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Coming Autumn 2021 - The Great Post Office Scandal

Coming Autumn 2021 - The Great Post Office Scandal

We are very excited to announce that in Autumn this year we will be publishing the first definitive account of the story behind the Post Office prosecutions that led the Court of Appeal to overturn the convictions of 39 SubPostmasters.

The Great Post Office Scandal will be written by Nick Wallis, the journalist and broadcaster who has done so much to bring the story to national attention since he first got wind of it in 2010. That was when he met a taxi driver who told him his pregnant wife had been sent to prison for a crime she did not commit. Since then, he has recorded interviews with dozens of victims, insiders and experts, uncovering hundreds of documents to build up an unparalleled understanding of the story.

Using these sources, he has been instrumental in bringing the scandal into the public eye. He broadcast his first investigation for the BBC in 2011. In the same year that he took the story to Private Eye. He has subsequently made two Panoramas, an award-winning Radio 4 series, and raised thousands of pounds to crowdfund his own court reporting for the Post Office Trial website. He is also acting a series consultant for an ITV dramatisation of the saga due to be broadcast next year.

Publication marks a bit of a departure for us in that this is a mainstream non fiction title rather than a law book but we think it is an important story to tell and it is firmly rooted in our aim to make justice more accessible for all.

We would also like to express our admiration for the work Nick has done to get this story out there: it was one of the main reasons why we said yes without hesitation when he asked whether we were interested in publishing his book. 

You can read more about the book and pre-order your copy here.

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